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Gag cartoons

Tradigital Designs has cultivated ongoing relationships with newspapers, magazines, educational institutions & other outlets that welcome gag cartoons and humorous illustration, which help breathe life into material and add laughter to our lives.

cartoon illustration of a tardigrade floating in outer space
Foolish Times
Monterey, California
pilot cartoon for local satire newspaper.
cartoon illustration of angry, injured bowling pins holding picket signs on strike
Foolish Times
Monterey, California
cartoon for local satire newspaper.
cartoon with a shocked female oposum character looking in a coffin of another oposum springing to life, smiling
Foolish Times
Monterey, California
cartoon for local satire newspaper.
cartoon featuring Caucasian male handing over documents to confused Asian co-worker
Learning Drip
Lille, France
Cartoon for web solutions enterprise.
cartoon featuring young Gen Zer trying to explain social media to older, confused man at computer
Learning Drip
Lille, France
Cartoon for web solutions enterprise.
cartoon comparing large, patriotic American pick-up truck to small, dingy green French car
Freedom Fries
Cartoon for French-American satire book, 2012-present. Freedom Fries
cartoon showing old French lady petting her pet dog, pooping on a Parisian street by a cafe
Freedom Fries
Cartoon for satire book on cultural differences between France and America, 2012-present. Freedom Fries
cartoon showing size differences between giant American coffee cups and tiny French coffee cups
Freedom Fries
Cartoon for satire book on cultural differences between France and America, 2012-present. Freedom Fries
cartoon showing price differences between cheap American gas stations versus expensive French gas stations
Freedom Fries
Cartoon for satire book on cultural differences between France and America, 2012-present. Freedom Fries
black and white cartoon of a concerned t-rex interviewing a dumb stegosaurus dinosaur
New Yorker
New York, NY
Cartoon gag submission, 1996.
black & white cartoon showing two boy angels opening a secret box up in heaven, standing on a cloud
New Yorker
New York, NY
Cartoon gag submission, 1996.
black & white cartoon showing a disgruntled man sitting opposite an atractive lesbian woman, on a remote deserted island with a palm tree between them
New Yorker
New York, NY
Cartoon gag submission, 1996.
black & white cartoon showing a grumpy old man walking away from his wife, kneeling on the floor next to a broken mirror
New Yorker
New York, NY
Cartoon gag submission, 1996.
black & white cartoon showing a worried husband in bed laying in bed next to his wife
New Yorker
New York, NY
Cartoon gag submission, 1996.
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