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3D Illustration • Backgrounds • Caricatures • Cartoons • Children's Illustration • Comics • Covers
Gag cartoons • Infographics • Realism • Scientific
Gag cartoons
Tradigital Designs has cultivated ongoing relationships with newspapers, magazines, educational institutions & other outlets that welcome gag cartoons and humorous illustration, which help breathe life into material and add laughter to our lives.
Foolish Times
Monterey, California
pilot cartoon for local satire newspaper.
Foolish Times
Monterey, California
cartoon for local satire newspaper.
Foolish Times
Monterey, California
cartoon for local satire newspaper.
Learning Drip
Lille, France
Cartoon for web solutions enterprise.
Learning Drip
Lille, France
Cartoon for web solutions enterprise.
Freedom Fries
Cartoon for French-American satire book, 2012-present. Freedom Fries
Freedom Fries
Cartoon for satire book on cultural differences between France and America, 2012-present. Freedom Fries
Freedom Fries
Cartoon for satire book on cultural differences between France and America, 2012-present. Freedom Fries
Freedom Fries
Cartoon for satire book on cultural differences between France and America, 2012-present. Freedom Fries
New Yorker
New York, NY
Cartoon gag submission, 1996.
New Yorker
New York, NY
Cartoon gag submission, 1996.
New Yorker
New York, NY
Cartoon gag submission, 1996.
New Yorker
New York, NY
Cartoon gag submission, 1996.
New Yorker
New York, NY
Cartoon gag submission, 1996.
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